30 Oktober 2013

Melejitkan profit bisnis dengan web dan social media marketing, Tips membuat sosmed yang optimal untuk marketing

Event : Melejitkan profit bisnis dengan web dan social media marketing
Tanggal : 27 Oktober 2013
Tema : Tips membuat sosmed yang optimal untuk marketing
Pembicara : Hilal achmad

Beriklan di twitter
Youtube optimization
Facebook optimization and insight
Google analytic

ATL : Tvc, Print ads, Radio
BTL : Billboard, Event, OOH
Digital : Website, Online community, Social media
PR : Media gathering, press release

Jejaring sosial : Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Pinterest, Link In
Komunitas : Blogspot, Kaskus
Internal media : Email, sms, bbm, Line
Iklan digital : Google adwords, Admod dll
Semua berintergrasi ke Official site (Web, apps, mobile)

Indonesia internet status
55 million internet users
51 million facebook users
Jakarta is second city in facebook
30 Million twitter users
Jakarta is the busies city in twitter
Indonesian internet fact
1 billion youtube video per month
5 million blogger as of 2011
1,3 million linked in users

Content is the King
Engagement is the queen
Konten menarik
Interaksi intens

Siklus twitter
Optimization : optimasi
Measure : Mengukur
Listen : mendengar
Engage : berinteraksi

Optimization : optimasi
Identitas akun (account id)
Nama akun (user name)
avatar picture
design pinture
backgound picture

Identitas dan nama akun
Optimasi profile and picture
Optimasi background
1. Design your twitter background
2. Well designed : sisi kiri 300 pixels, total panjang kanan ke kiri 2048 pixels, total panjang atas ke bawah 1900 pixels

Listen : Mendengar
1. Pelanggan
2. Tren industri
3. Berita hangat
4. Influencer- public figure

Listening tools
1. List
2. advance search
3. hootsuite
4. tweet deck

Use hootsuite or twwetdeck to listen to customer, competitor, industries

Twitter has a real time advance search

Engagement : Interaksi

1. Content is the king (orisinil, relevant, kontekstual, inspiratif, shareable)
2. #Hashtag #Tagar
3. Panjang tweet, waktu yang tepat
4. Retweet, Reply, Mention
5. Sapa follower, Kawan
6. Saling promote akun lain
7. Kultweet
8. Chirpstory
9. Gambar, link, video
10. Bangun komunitas (ask question, Kuis, Habit)
11. Otomasisasi (schedule, auto tweet, greeting)

Relefan dan kontekstual
Konten tepat, waktu tepat, orang yang tepat
Context : Engage antara user, content, event

Panjang tweet 70-100
Tweet length vs retweets

Waktu terbaik
1. Your best time to tweet in the next 2 hour is ...
2. Your best time to tweet during this weeks is ...
3. Your followers talk about ...
4. Your followers share links about ...
5. Your resonant topics are ...

Bangun komunitas : Make a habit
Senin bahasan ttg ...

Extend reach
1. Paid buzzer : Relevant, high engagement rate, high Kred and Klot score
2. Twitter ads : Promoted account, Promoted tweet, promoted tending topic

Measure : Mengukur

If you cant measure, you cant manage
Measure :
1. Follower growth
2. Follower quality
3. Engagement score
4. Retweet rate
5. Reach and impression
6. Hash tracking

Follower growth
Twittercounter | Uufollowers.me

Engagement score
Klout|Kred| Retweetrank

Follower quality - Demography | Health | Engagement | social bakes | twitonomy |twtrland|Folowerwonk |sproutsocial

Engagement rate

Reach - Impression
Sproutsocial |crowdbooster|socialbakers|hashtracking|topsy|Tweetreach|Tweetronisc|peoplebrowsr

Traffic to website
google analytics |bit.ly|goo.gle


Facebook tips
1. Facebook using edgerank to display our post
2. Edgerank : affinity, weight, time decay

Facebook tips
Only 16% of your fans will see your posts on average
Edgerank : weight, diffent post different weight (Photo/video, links, plain text, tips : use new feature)

Edgerank : time decay (more fresh, more chance)

Brand assessement and action plan
1. Enterpreneur
2. Social preneur
3. Leadership
4. Religion
5. Social media
6. Digital marketing
7. Information technology
8. Training
9. Managerial
10. Strategy

Trending topic overview
Trending topic mysterious algorithm only known by twitter
Somehow its based on
1. Volume of tweets
2. Volume of account twitting
3. Momentum
4. Valocity
5. Location

Tweetlife cycle
1. Follower growth
2. Follower quality and health
3. Reach
4. Engagement rate
5. Perception index
6. Rank
7. Traffic to website
8. Conversion

1. Personal branding
2. Business - marketing, sales, service consultant
3. Strategy : Segmentation, targeting, online value preposition
4. Plan the concept
5. Sequance
6. Integration
7. Tools

Stop and sit : Brand assessment

Listen : customer, influencer, competitor, industries

Engage :
1. Lining up
2. Create conversation
3. Build community
4. Extend reach
5. Rule of thumbs

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Sri Wahyuningsih

Sri Wahyuningsih
Sri Wahyuningsih
